Never chase letters of authority again

Raindrop's automated technology sends LOAs tailored to providers, handles all chasing and processes policies into digestible data. All managed within your own portal providing real-time updates, easy access to documents and Raindrop support.
Trial digital LOAs today with 10 LOAs for £100 (+VAT)*

To create your profile and provide the pension finding service, we will use the information you provide in accordance with our Privacy Statement.

* Following trial successful LOA requests will be charge at £25 (+VAT) per LOA

Why choose Raindrop?


Found in pensions
200 years
Simple signature solution
Upload one client signature for use across all LOAs. No more tailoring letters to providers, Raindrop automates it for you.


Pensions found for clients
200 years
Best client experience
Know where your client's LOA is at all times with real-time updates and regular provider calls.

22 days

Median time to find a pension
200 years
Contact any scheme
Send letters of authority to any defined contribution provider in the UK, no scheme or policy number required.

Recent press

AJ Bell launches free pension tracing tool - how does it compare?

Here, Which? takes a closer look at AJ Bell's tool and how it compares with other services that can help you hunt down lost pension savings. Read more

Standard Life and Raindrop launch revolutionary free pension tracing service

Standard Life, part of Phoenix Group and the UK's largest long-term savings company, has teamed up with Raindrop, a FinTech firm specialising in innovative pension-finding technology. Read more

Monzo launches pension allowing customers to combine pots

Monzo has partnered with pension-finding specialist, Raindrop, to help customers find and ultimately combine their old pensions. Read more

Raindrop IFA LoA App

Raindrop ® is a trading name of Raindrop Technologies Holdings Ltd. Raindrop Technologies Holdings Ltd (FRN: 1003844) is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registered office: Runway East London Bridge, 20 St Thomas Street, London SE1 9RS. Registration no.: 12431555. Check our Privacy policy - Cookies policy - Complaints policy